Why Obama Wants a Cyber Czar

Turns out it is not about protecting you or the Internet at all:

“US rallies hackers to defend networks; In recession, firms can recruit top computer talent” by Christopher Drew and John Markoff, New York Times | May 31, 2009

The military contractors are now in the enviable position of turning what they learned out of necessity – protecting the sensitive Pentagon data that sit on their own computers – into a lucrative business that could replace some of the revenue lost by cancellation of conventional weapons systems.

Related: Following Zakheim and Pentagon trillions to Israel and 9-11

Where did all that money go?

Executives at Lockheed Martin, which has long been the government’s largest information-technology contractor, also see the demand for greater computer security spreading to energy and healthcare agencies and the rest of the nation’s critical infrastructure…. (snip)

The Air Force plans this year to award the first publicly announced contract for developing tools to break into enemy computers…. 

Translation: There is NOTHING DEFENSIVE about it!


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