The BS Express

Otherwise known as your morning newspaper, America:

“Howdy Doody Hypocrisy and the BS Express

by Visible

….   The first thing I have to say, because it is the single most important thing, is that the Zionist owned media is an international lie machine. Its business is based on lies. Its products are lies and all of its employees are liars. The first thing any reader of the MSM must say to themselves as they begin to read or listen to anything found there is, “This is a lie. What sort of lie is it? Why is this particular lie being told and… what sort of amplifiers are they using….


We live in a time of continuous lies, produced for the profit of a handful of power mad bandits….

Those telling the truth are reviled by those manufacturing the lies….

And it shows in their slanted, biased, one-sided, agenda-pushing coverage and selectivity on every and any issue.

Read more of that great essay HERE

I guess that’s why the paper shows up on the newsstand looking like this:

“…. Bullshit in colorful packagingsugar and shit spun together in a monstrous confection….

We all realize that the 24 hour, false propaganda, spin system of the main stream media is nearly entirely owned by Zionist interests as is the entertainment industry and that they are a mouthpiece for murder and disinformation to be justified by all possible means. They are becoming increasingly bankrupt in the eyes of the peoples of the world which is evidenced by the collapse of the newspaper industry and associated enterprises. They are going down. The Apocalypse has lifted the skirts of these shameless whores and revealed the agendas beneath….


The Al Qaeda Recruitment Program

Kids, if you can believe it!

“the madrassa’s caretaker said a big part of the increase in applications is due to the school’s summer seminar. The program brings students who have finished their third year of primary study to the academy for six days to show them what life would be like at the picturesque riverside camp. For 2,250 spots in the program, the academy received more than 6,000 applications this summer.

The academy also has been reaching out to students in secondary schools to emphasize the importance of developing skills to help in the jihad….

Oh, HOW EVIL, ‘eh, America?



Israel Caught Lying

And the Zionist AmeriKan MSM didn’t call ’em on it!

“Israel said that rockets had been launched from the vicinity of the school.”


“Did Media Overplay Israeli Denials on School Massacre?

Gaza In coverage of the shelling of a U.N. school in Gaza that led to dozens of civilians deaths, including many women and children, the press prominently played up Israel’s claims that its soldiers were taking mortar fire from the school compound and they responded, blaming the whole incident on Hamas.  Now the Tel Aviv daily Haaretz reports that the U.N. is saying that Israeli military officials have admitted to them that there was no fire and that the mass killing was “unintentional.”  They also suggest that Israel released an alleged video of the episode — but it turns out it came from 2007. More to come when available.  Meanwhile, the NYT confirms that at least 30 members of one extended family died in the shelling of another building, as they were left to die, with the U.N. suggesting this may be a “war crime.”  –source

Related: UN: Israel Admits Claims About Attacked School Baseless;

More Photos From Palestine

Israel Defies Allies

“The United States and the European Union…. have set three conditions for dealing with Israel, saying it must renounce all violence, recognize the Palestinian’s right to exist, and accept all previous Israeli-Palestinian agreements. Israel has refused to comply.”

Wow, I am surprised that the world actually got a backbo…. whatcha say?

Obama Warns Israel on Iran Attack

“Given their past behavior, given the belligerent manner in which they are constantly threatening their neighbors, I don’t think there’s any question that that would be a destabilizing situation that would be a profound threat to not only the United States’ security, but to world security.’’

State Addiction

I’ll give you one hint: it begins with a T

“It has a narcotic effect on spending in the good years, but one faces the equivalent of withdrawal.’’