What I Found When I Bought My Sunday Paper

“…. Bullshit in colorful packaging sugar and shit spun together in a monstrous confection….

Every single day!


Exhibit A — front-page, above-the-fold, Metro lead(?):

“Hub’s super bowl is nearly ready; Problems stalled $300,000 toilet” by Michael Levenson, Globe Staff  |  June 7, 2009

Boston is no stranger to miraculous feats of engineering….  Now, the city is preparing for the latest addition to its pantheon of construction marvels, the opening on the waterfront of a coin-operated toilet that took more than two years and $300,000 to bring from drawing board to reality. And it still hasn’t had its first flush.

“This was the the perfect storm,” said Peter O’Sullivan, the city’s director of street furniture, who is in charge of sidewalk restrooms, kiosks, bus shelters, and the like…. 

You can’t make this up!


When it comes to building in downtown Boston, things rarely go according to plan….

Sewage would wash into the harbor….

toilet travails…. 

That’s how I would describe my Sunday reading!

Seems like I end up there in the, well, end.

No one is quite ready to say when it will open to the public. They estimate it might take another two weeks…. more

I can’t hold itExcuse me as I duck into this alley and behind the restaurant trash bin. Better watch your step.

Meanwhile, I’d be CAREFUL CLEANING that BEACH, kiddo!

“For every one person that cleans up the beach, there are 15 others who will just dump something into the ocean without a thought.”

Well, if there isn’t an alley nearby!

You wade out, pull the trunks down, and whoop…. relief!!!


Related: Backed Up at the Boston Globe

Brown-Bagging It in Boston

The Substance of Life

Yes, I don’t know what I would do without them.

“”Lies are the substance of life…. We know one thing and the press tells us another.”

Probably be a lot calmer and happier to start.

You know, I know it is just a typo…. Clinton says Norht Korea reconsidered for terror list …. but it proves the point, doesn’t it?

Geithner’s Bed-and-Breakfast

Don’t you feel sorry for him?

Geithner caught in housing slowdown

Related: Geithner the Liar

Why Politics?

“Politics is just confusing

Meant to be that way; that’s why the paper wastes so much time with s*** fooleys.