The Day the MSM Died

They must have suffocated from the all the lying hot air they have been belching.

MSM Still Silent on ClimateGate

The ClimateGate scandal broke more than a week ago, and as I survey the MSM (i.e. “elite media”, “establishment media”, “state-controlled media”, “dinosaur media” … take your pick), the top news stories seem to be Tiger Woods’ accident and nasty gossip surrounding him, the media whore couple that crashed the Obamas’ Thanksgiving dinner, Sarah Palin drawing crowds (much to the dismay of Libs), the requisite collection of dreadful murder-on-Thanksgiving stories, Black Friday reports, and the “gee, we missed Osama bin Laden back in 2001 in Tora Bora.” (Why the hell is that news? We know that already. Talk about re-runs!) These stories are all distractions.

But, where are the reports on ClimateGate?!? Why the hell is the press sitting on this?!? I thought the press loved a good scandal! Could it be that our in-bed-with-Obama-and-the-Left media are going to have to eat major crow?

The scandal is breaking in other parts of the world, but here in the U.S. you only hear about it via the “non-news”, such as FoxNews, bloggers, and Glenn Beck. Our press is ignoring what foreign news agencies are reporting, such as this….



by Michael Rivero

Climategate: The Mother of All Deceptions

The recent exposures of fraud coming from the Hadley Climate Research Unit, then followed by similar exposures at New Zealand’s NWIA, Australia’s climate center, and NOAA have only confirmed the doubts arising from the obviously NON-scientific methods employed by the Anthropogenic Global Warming supporters, hereinafter called the “Global Warming Cult”. I call them a cult because of the abandonment of scientific method by many of the acolytes, together with a recent British Court decision that declared belief in Global Warming was accorded the status of a religion.

Human Caused Global Warming is not being researched; it be being promoted. Al Gore and his fellow investors have spent over a hundred million dollars in creating a crisis of human-caused global warming out of (quite literally) thin air. They are not doing this out of the goodness of their hearts. They expect to reap billions in profits from the trading of Carbon Credits, a “license to pollute” available for a price and subject to brokerage fees. One of the people Al Gore relied on to create this scheme was Ken Lay, late of ENRON, aka the Crooked “E”.

Coincident with the desire to reap huge profits from the general population of the world is the agenda to promote a global government. Currently, the push for a global government rests on three pillars, Global Warming is one of them, leading to a surrendering of national sovereignty scheduled to occur at the Copenhagen Conference December 7th, 2009. The other two pillars exploited to create the “need” for a global government are a global swine-flu pandemic, requiring a global health organization, and a global financial crisis, requiring a global bank. The political power behind this push for global government is immense; enough to win Al Gore an Academy Award and a Nobel Peace Prize for his film, “An Inconvenient Truth”, despite a court ruling pointing out the numerous provable lies and distortions in it.

To any real objective observer, the methods employed by the Cult are not those of science and research but of salesmanship and propaganda. Scare tactics are well in evidence. To anyone of an age enough to recall previous scare campaigns, the hue and cry for Anthropogenic Global Warming is reminiscent of “Killer Bees” and Y2K scares of yesteryear.

To put it bluntly, Anthropogenic Global Warming is a load of government-sponsored bovine excrement. Its purpose is to trick you out of money and obedience. And despite the shrill cries of those who insist that government would never conceive or let along execute such a monstrous fraud upon the people, the fact is that Anthropogenic Global Warming has a very long pedigree of deception behind it…..


What is Global Warming?

Let’s get something straight; the climate is supposed to change. In 4 1/2 billion years, there has never been a time when the Earth’s climate remained exactly the same. Careful study of the geological and paleontological record shows that the climate is always changing; that the Earth is always getting warmer or colder in long hundred thousand year cycles.

At present the earth is far colder than the Cretaceous but far warmer than the ice ages. Given that the Earth has only recently come out of the Little Ice Age, it stands to reason we should be getting warmer. It is this idea that the Earth can or should be locked into a particular configuration that is artificial and unnatural. And who was to decide what the ideal temperature of earth should be? What is ideal for people living at the equator is hardly ideal for people living in the polar regions.

Global warming cultists like to talk about the balance of nature. This is a very romantic term, and sounds worthy of preservation. But there is no balance of nature. Nature is change. Nature is chaos. Nature is one life form going extinct while another evolves into being. Nature has never been in balance; it is in fact careening through time colliding with the landscape.

Is there really a crisis? Would it really be a bad thing if the Earth were getting warmer?

Warmer temperatures mean longer growing seasons. Longer growing seasons mean more food. And at a time when much of the world’s population are going hungry, more food is a good thing.

Is carbon dioxide really such a bad thing? Carbon dioxide occurs naturally. The major sources are volcanoes and respiration from animal life on Earth. As carbon dioxide increases plant life which uses carbon dioxide for photosynthesis will grow more abundantly. Again, producing more food. There are even companies which will install carbon dioxide in enhancement systems for commercial greenhouses because it has been proven that increased carbon dioxide stimulates plant growth and larger crops.

Is carbon dioxide a greenhouse gas? Yes, it is. But it is not the only one. Water vapor is by far the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. Methane is also a greenhouse gas, more potent than carbon dioxide. But you cannot tax water vapor, and methane is produced by termites and deep-sea microbes, which are far too intelligent life forms to submit to carbon taxes, so the global warming cultists have settled on carbon dioxide as the villain because a portion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can be traced to human activity.

How much atmospheric carbon dioxide comes from human activity? Not including respiration, human contribution to atmospheric carbon dioxide is .28% of the total atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Now this may not seem like very much, and indeed it isn’t. With volcanoes producing far more carbon dioxide than humans, one wonders what all the fuss is about regarding our cars and industry. But the global warming cult has a handy explanation. The global warming cult likes to claim that natural sources of carbon dioxide are already balanced out by natural sinks for carbon dioxide. Volcanoes are offset by treaties. The carbon dioxide emitted by sea life is absorbed by seaweed. By claiming that there is no natural counterpart to human caused carbon dioxide the global warming cult tries to claim that .28% of atmospheric carbon dioxide contributed by human activity is upsetting the balance of nature. But as we pointed out before, there is no balance of nature. It is a romantic notion, but simply not reality.

The Global Warming Fraud

So how do we know we are dealing with a fraud? As noted above, climate change is something that is supposed to happen. The world is always getting warmer or colder. The promotion of a change in the climate as a threat to humankind requiring the paying of taxes and submission to authority is a manufactured construct.

How do we know an agenda is involved? Simple. If the global warming alarmists were really only interested in the welfare of the Earth, one would expect them to be delirious with joy that the threat of anthropogenic global warming doesn’t really exist after all. But quite to the contrary, those whose paychecks are dependent on the global warming industry are in a total panic to reassure us that, yes, there is a real danger, and it is all our fault!

Another reason we know Anthropocentric Global Warming is a hoax is that Scientific Method is supposed to allow for others to double-check the work leading to the theory. In other words, starting with the same data and applying the same methods, I should get the same results. But in the case of Anthropocentric Global Warming, this is impossible. The CRU, in response to Freedom of Information Requests for the raw data on which they based their dire predictions of doom, first stalled, then admitted they had destroyed the raw data! We mere mortals are expected to simply take their word their conclusions are accurate. I have to wonder with all the tens of millions of dollars in funding CRU enjoyed, why they could not purchase an extra hard drive to save that raw data!

In ancient times rulers ruled by what ever lie would convince the people that they needed to be ruled. One very common dodge was rule by divine right. I am your ruler because God said so. But as mankind has evolved and become more sophisticated, and understands that the idea of God is more a metaphor than reality, rulers intent on using deception to rule their people have had to come up with more convincing myths. Obey me and I will save you from the Communists. Obey me and I’ll save you from the terrorists. Obey me and I will save you from global warming. And so forth…

So the push to sell global government on the basis of human caused global warming is just another variation on the theme of I am the ruler because the gods hath decreed it so.

Maybe it’s time for humans to evolve past this latest deception.

As for the actual evidence calling into question the claims of human caused global warming, we can start with the very small percentage of atmospheric carbon dioxide actually created by human industry. The attempt by the global warming cult to claim that natural carbon dioxide is not a problem because nature balances it out, but human caused carbon dioxide is a threat, betrays the agenda of of taking something that occurs naturally and focusing the blame for it onto humans in order to guilt them out of money and obedience.

We have previously documented that temperature sensors used to generate the data that supports the claim of human caused global warming have been cited in the outflow of building air conditioners and in one notable instance right next to a trash incinerator. Clearly given that these are all sources of heat, the readings from these temperature sensors cannot be used to assume that we are measuring the temperature of anything other than air-conditioning outflow and the incineration of trash.

It has been documented and ruled in a British court of law that Al Gore’s film and inconvenient truth contained numerous factual errors. In one notable case, a film sequence showing the destruction of the polar caps, turned out to be a fake; a computer-generated sequence from the science-fiction movie the “Day after tomorrow”.

Much of the sensationalist media coverage of the issue of human-caused global warming has been exposed as a fraud. A story which claimed Polar Bears were drowning because of global warming was exposed as a fraud in which pictures of summer melt were presented as mid-winter scenes, along with the ludicrous claim that polar bears could not swim to shore to save their own lives.

Then there was the recent video-taped admission by the head of Greenpeace that the claim that Green, and would lose its ice in 20 years was merely a propaganda hoax!

The list of problems supposedly caused by human-caused global warming, from Acne to Prostitution, is endless, with more nonsense being added every day!

The major problem that the global warming cultists have faced is that the Earth has actually been cooling for almost 10 years now. The global warming cultists attempted to rebrand by avoiding the term global warming and saying their agenda was to deal with climate change. Not just any climate change of course but sudden climate change, again the fault of humans, again requiring taxes and obedience to a global authority to solve. But rebranding as the climate change cult did not secure the fact that the predictions for a warming globe were simply not panning out. It was at this point that institutions dependent on funding to study human caused global warming began to adjust their data in order to, as CRU put it, “conceal the decline”. Otherwise, trust in the climate scientist was going to be undermined by the fact that they had obviously misguessed which way the temperatures of earth were going predicting that it was going out when in fact it was demonstrably going down.

In the end, the most obvious evidence that the global warming cultists got it wrong, is to look out your doors and windows this winter. Snow has come early to much of the Northern Hemisphere this winter. Ski resorts have opened early, and it looks to be a very hard winter. The same global warming cultists who would point to temperature extremes 10 years ago as proof of their claims, now insist that early snows and frosts and ice should not be construed as evidence of global cooling. Clearly there is a bias at work here.

What is Really at Stake Here?

As I mentioned in the previous section, politicians seek to gain wealth and power and authority by taking something that occurs naturally, transforming it and promoting it as a crisis, and then selling the population a solution in exchange for higher taxes and increased authority over their lives.

Al Gore and his investors have created a crisis called human caused global warming. They have created a product, literally out of thin air, called the carbon credit. This is essentially a license to pollute. And as experience in Europe has already shown, polluters will simply by the license, and pass the cost on to consumers. The pollution will continue, has continued; the only real change is that goods and services cost more than they did before.

These so-called carbon credits will be bought from those who have too many, and resold to those who need more. This will require a brokerage, of which the only one currently in existence is owned by Al Gore and his investors, who stand to make billions of dollars from the trading of carbon credits. This is not unlike the manner in which Enron made billions of dollars off of the people of California by trading imbalances and electricity. It is not a coincidence that Enron’s Ken Lay assisted Al Gore in setting up the structure for the trading of carbon credits. Al Gore is doing with carbon dioxide to the world what Ken lay did to California with electricity.

There is a huge amount of money at stake on convincing the people of the world that the Earth is getting warmer, that it is all their fault, and atonement lies with submitting to new taxation.

Those people still supporting AGW (anthropogenic global warming) are dependent on funding to support their current positions. That funding is in turn dependent in the continuation of faith that AGW (anthropogenic global warming) is correct. After all, when Galileo proved that the Earth Orbited the Sun, funding for continued research into epicycles vanished abruptly, along with tenures and the value of every degree issued in the field of Epicycles.

The same applies here. With precious rare exception, every academic whose degree and funding is based on AGW is looking at a stark unemployment picture. In their minds, they are not fighting for scientific truth; they are fighting for their livelihood, and the proof is very simple. If their primary concern was really the long term welfare of planet Earth, one would think the Global Warming Cult would be delighted to find out there really is no danger after all. But, as is clearly evident, the goal is to support the orthodoxy even against the revelation that their core scientific foundation is based on a fraud.

Quite a few people, including President Obama, are financially invested in the Global Carbon Credit scheme, in which licenses are issued to pollute, with the surplus units bought and sold through brokerages. Al Gore and his fellow investors have already spent $150 million to “sell” anthropogenic global warming. They will not walk away from that investment easily.

Beyond the researchers whose degrees and funding are dependent on the continuation of a perceived public threat, the media outlets and government officials who signed onto this campaign are now realizing that they have wagered their entire credibility on AGW (anthropogenic global warming) at a time when their credibility was already strained from Saddam’s “nookular” bombs, the economy, 9-11, etc. etc. etc. Climategate could well be the final nail in the coffin of the public’s trust of media and government.

Just one example, Paul Hudson, BBC weatherman who in October was sent Climategate emails has been gagged by the BBC.

Over and above the financial incentive, there is another agenda at work. There has been a push forward for the emergence of a global government for many years now. The plan to sell this new global oligarchy to the people the world rests on three pillars. The first pillar is human caused global warming, requiring submission to a global environmental authority. The second pillar was the global swine flu pandemic, requiring submission to a global health authority. The third pillar was the global financial crisis, requiring submission to a global banking authority. All three pillars are in serious trouble. If the pillar of human caused global warming collapses, no doubt it will pull the other two down with it.

Clearly there’s a tremendous amount of political and financial power behind the selling of anthropogenic global warming to the people of the world. It is this political power which was able to provide Al Gore with an Academy award for his documentary film and inconvenient truth even though that film has already been exposed as containing multiple factual errors. It was this same political power which obtained for Al Gore a Nobel peace prize again for his documentary film and again awarded even though the deceptions had been exposed in a British court of law.

So much money and political power has been invested in the myth of human caused global warming that if human caused global warming becomes exposed to the general population as a lie and a hoax, many well-known institutions of government and media will likely collapse from the scandal. The establishment is literally fighting for its life. And we should expect them to take any and all desperation measures to prolong and preserve their power and prestige and privilege.

This is a Street Brawl for Truth and Freedom

It is clear that government, the media, corporatized science, have quite literally bet the farm on selling the illusion of human caused global warming as justification for global taxes and global government. In order to bring about global government simultaneous with creating the illusion of a need they have to destroy the credibility of the regional governments and we have seen a great deal of this lately. Now the oligarchs face an awkward choice. They have set the stage for a collapse of the national governments in the global government they wish to install in its place may be collapsing right along with the myth of global government.

Various governments and the media are so heavily invested in selling the illusion of human caused dglobal warming, that if that hoax is exposed, if the public becomes aware of the monstrous fraud involved, those institutions of government and media could very well be destroyed and by their own hands.

Already we are seeing the organizers and perpetrators of this fraud trying to limit the damage from this exposure in several ways. The media is already hard at work attempting to dump the blame and scandal solely on the climate scientists, who after all were only doing what they were paid to do. This is not to say the scientists are not guilty. Quite the contrary, they deserve to be pilloried publicly and humiliated for their betrayal of the public trust. To say that their careers should be ended is an understatement. But in our haste to punish the scientists who assisted in the lies to the world, we must not forget that the scientists were working for somebody; for politicians such as Al Gore, for an agenda called global government, and for those who wanted to get rich by selling a fictitious product called carbon credit.

Yet another tactic being employed to limit the damage from climate gate, is to insist that even though the scientist responsible for the climate warming data have been exposed as holsters that the validity of the data itself must remain above question above reproach. This of course is nonsense. If you hire a contractor to build a home, and discover afterwards that the contractor has a history of using substandard materials and sloppy workmanship, do you continue to believe the home he has built you is solid and durable and safe? Of course not. And yet the global warming cultists are demanding exactly this kind of naïveté from the public at large.

The latest spin is that if one questions the dogma of Anthropocentric Global Warming, then one must be in favor of destroying the Earth. There is no middle ground. Another common propaganda tactic is to accuse those who question the veracity of the Global Warming Cultists is to accuse them of receiving paychecks from oil companies. When one points out that the proponents of Anthropocentric Global Warming are being paid for their work, one gets a “hurrumph” of indignation. It’s apparently acceptable for their side of the argument to be well-funded, because in their eyes they are the “good guys.” Finally, there is the much-ballyhooed “Precautionary Principle” which states that one should never take any action that might cause harm even if that potential harm cannot be demonstrated or proven. In theory such a prohibition should extend to any actions undertaken in support of the Precautionary Principle itself, but such suggestions get the usual “Hurrumph” of indignation. The cultists are really good at that.

So is climate gate a fraud? Is climate gate a scientific scandal? No. Climate gate is first and foremost a political scandal. More than that it is a global political scandal that involves governments, media, institutionalize science, the banks, universities, indeed a vast cross-section of our ruling classes. It is more than a scandal; climate gate is a crime against humanity. And this is not an exaggeration. The goal of climategate was to extract money from every human being on planet Earth in exchange for a nonexistent salvation from a nonexistent threat. The goal of climate gate was to trick every human being on planet Earth into accepting the yoke of a global oligarchy with no more legitimate claim to power than those who ruled by divine right.

We are at a watershed moment. We may well see a transition to a new and better political structure for the entire world. But it will not be the one that has been designed for us. If nothing else, the ability for government and media to lie to the population of the world on such a vast scale is forever destroyed. Climategate will relegate all of the official stories of the governments of the United States and Great Britain and indeed every government that took part in the human caused global warming hoax to the same level of credibility as Ramses carvings showing his victory over the Hittites. It will be seen as an historic joke by future generations.

But we are not there yet. The forces that have enslaved us with deception and fraud and hoax are desperate to hang onto their power and authority. They are busy coming up with new hoaxes and frauds to scare us back into obedience. And the media well aware that they cannot report on the lies of climate gate without reporting their own complicity are working hand in glove with government to reassert their ability to control what you think and when you think it.

So, what we, the free people of planet Earth, need to do in the coming weeks is become the new mainstream media. The TV networks and other corporate media have been handed their marching orders to resell the illusion of human caused climate change in any way shape or form that will convince you to accept new taxes and the loss of your freedoms. The only way the rest of the world is going to find out about climate gate is if you tell them. Because the TV and news magazines won’t. If it’s mentioned at all, it will be to trivialize and dismiss it and assure the world it really doesn’t matter. BBC is still reporting climate gate as just another computer crime. This is like reporting Watergate as just another burglary!

We have collected together a vast body of evidence calling into question the legitimacy of the claims of human caused global warming. We have collected together a vast body of evidence proving fraud and deception on the part of the global warming cult. Please forward this information to everybody you know. Time is of the essence. Barack Obama as already indicated that he will not be swayed by the exposure of the fraud in the CRU/NWIA data, and fully intends to go to Copenhagen to sign away our national sovereignty as “penance” for our contribution to global warming.

Other observers have commented that the moment president Obama signs that Copenhagen Treaty his credibility as president of the United States will be destroyed. For him to sign away sovereignty of our nation on the basis of a known lie should enrage all Americans and make it clear that the federal government is not working in the interests of the American people any more, but in service to this emerging globalist socialistic empire. Remember; global government is what Hitler wanted. Global Government is what Napoleon wanted. Global Government is what Alexander the Great wanted. Global Government is what the Roman Caesars wanted.

Climategate may well prove to be the final fight in the war between those who would rule us with lies and those who wish to live with truth. Climategate makes it clear that yes, there really are massive conspiracies between government and the media to mislead the general public. You cannot pretend they don’t exist; one is right there before you staked out naked on the ground, exposed for all to marvel at! I leave it as an exercise for the reader to decide how many other such deceptions form what we think we know of the world and of history.

There are two paths into the future. Along one lies freedom and truth and prosperity for the people. Along the other lies a socialist dictatorship, born in deception, unable and unwilling to tolerate dissent, and dedicated to robbing the poor to give to the rich.

You need to decide which future you wish to live in.

And you need to decide what you will do about it.